Stuco leads student body during hybrid schedule

Kamryn Kulas

Stuco members collect canned goods from teacher Charlie Todd during Stuco-sponsored food drive. Stuco collected 875 food items during the food drive.

Kamryn Kulas, Staff

Despite the many obstacles last semester, elections for Student Council (Stuco) were moved to this fall.

Stuco officers are Lauren Davidson, student body president; Zachary Davidson, chairman of rules and values; Jennifer Nguyen, chairmen of community involvement; Lizzy Franco, chairman of activities; Jackson Hayes, student body treasurer.

Senior officers are Reese Altman, president; Devon Junghans, vice-president; Morgan Fisher, secretary; Keegan Exline; class treasurer.

Junior officers are Jaylinn Nguyen, president; Lauren Stein, vice-president; Grace Allen, secretary; Addie Weishaar, class treasurer.

“Stuco this year is obviously a lot different because we can’t do most things we usually do, but it has been fun finding ways to keep the students body participated online,” Weishaar said.

Sophomore officers are Denalyn Vasquez, president; Amanda Nguyen, vice-president; Victor Torres, secretary; Adran Aranda, class treasurer.

Freshman officers are Allyson Exline, president; Mayeie Scheele, vice-president; Kinsley Windhorst, secretary; Megan Gruff, class treasurer.